Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions of engagement


  1. Pre-contractual information
  2. GENERAL Terms and Conditions for the sale of products through our website
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 User
    2.3 Product features
  3. SPECIFIC Terms and Conditions for the sale of products through our website
    3.1 SIROKO CUSTOM - Specific terms and conditions applicable to this service
    3.2 SIROKO GIFT CARD - Specific terms and conditions applicable to this product
    3.2 SIROKO WALLET - Specific terms and conditions applicable to this payment method
  4. Legal warranty of the products
  5. Taxes applicable to sales made through this website
  6. European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform
  7. Applicable jurisdiction
  8. Applicable legislation
  9. Severability of Provisions
  10. Registered address for service of the owner of the website
    10.1 Regulations Regarding Consumer Access to Complaint Forms
    10.2 Standard form to be used in the notification of your right of withdrawal (Model extracted from Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007)
    10.3Information for customers regarding safe online shopping. Fraud prevention in online purchases

Terms and conditions updated by the WWW.SIROKO.COM Compliance team in July 2024 - Applicable at the time of publication




Our terms and conditions of engagement that apply to www.siroko.com


1. Pre-contractual information

WWW.SIROKO.COM only sells through this website to CONSUMERS AND USERS. It is not a B2B site.

Customers who provide us with their data in the purchase forms must have the capacity to be legally bound, i.e. be able to enter into a legally binding contract.

Before making a purchase on our website, customers must understand these terms and conditions, as they govern the contractual relationship. They are made with full transparency towards customers. In case any term remains unclear, please let us know immediately so that we can explain it to you in a clear and understandable manner. Before clicking on the buy button you will be asked to check a box stating that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of WWW.SIROKO.COM. If something is unclear to you, we insist that you do not proceed with the purchase. These GENERAL Terms and Conditions, along with the SPECIFIC Terms and Conditions and the information provided on the website, collectively ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements.

In accordance with Article 97 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, dated November 16, 2007, regarding Consumer and User Protection, we present the legal and mandatory information required to be disclosed to you prior to the conclusion of any distance sales contract on our website. The information we provide includes the display of products on our website, along with their specifications, as well as the details outlined in both the general and specific terms and conditions contained in this document.

"Article 97. Pre-contractual information regarding distance contracts and off-premises contracts.

1. Prior to the consumer or user being bound by any distance or off-premises contract, or any related offer, the seller must provide clear and comprehensible information. Special attention must be given to vulnerable consumers, who shall receive the following information in formats that are appropriate, accessible, and easily understandable:

a) The essential characteristics of the goods or services, as appropriate to the medium of communication and the nature of the goods or services in question.
b) The identity of the seller, including the registered trade name.
c) The full address of the seller's registered place of business, telephone number and e-mail address. Additionally, if the seller offers alternative online communication methods that allow the consumer or user to retain written correspondence, including the date and time of such communications, the information must also include details of these alternative means. All communication methods provided by the seller will enable the consumer or user to reach and correspond with the seller promptly and efficiently. Where relevant, the seller shall also disclose the full address and identity of the entity on whose behalf they are acting.
d) If different from the address provided in point c), the complete address of the seller's place of business, and, where applicable, the address of the entity on whose behalf they are acting, where the consumer or user can send any complaints.
e) The total price of the goods or services, including taxes and duties, or, if the price cannot be reasonably calculated in advance due to the nature of the goods or services, the method for determining the price. Additionally, where applicable, any extra costs such as transportation, delivery, postal charges, and other fees should be specified. If such charges cannot be reasonably calculated beforehand, the fact that additional charges may apply should be clearly indicated. In the case of an open-ended contract or a subscription-based agreement, the price must include the total costs for each billing period. For contracts billed on a flat-rate basis, the total price shall represent the total monthly costs. When the total cost cannot be reasonably estimated in advance, the method used to determine the price must be explicitly detailed.
f) Where applicable, an indication that the price has been customized based on automated decision-making.
g) The cost of using the remote communication method for concluding the contract, if such cost is calculated at a rate different from the basic rate.
h) The procedures for payment, delivery, and performance, the date by which the seller undertakes to deliver the goods or provide the services, and, where applicable, the system for handling complaints.
i) The language or languages in which the contract may be concluded, if this differs from the language in which the pre-contractual information has been provided.
j) Where a right of withdrawal applies, the conditions, time limits, and procedures for exercising this right must be clearly stated, along with the provision of a model withdrawal form.
k) Where applicable, an indication that the consumer or user will be responsible for the cost of returning the goods in the event of withdrawal. For distance contracts, if the goods cannot normally be returned by post due to their nature, the cost of returning the goods must also be specified.
l) In the event that the consumer or user exercises the right of withdrawal following a request made pursuant to Article 98.8 or Article 99.3, information must be provided that the consumer or user will be responsible for paying reasonable costs to the entrepreneur in accordance with Article 108.3.
m) Where, pursuant to Article 103, the right of withdrawal does not apply, there must be a clear indication that the consumer or user does not have such a right, or an explanation of the circumstances under which this right will be lost if it is applicable.
n) A reminder of the existence of a legal guarantee of conformity for goods, digital content, or digital services.
ñ) Where applicable, information on the existence of after-sales assistance, after-sales services, and commercial guarantees, including their terms and conditions.
o) The existence of any relevant codes of conduct and information on how to obtain copies of them, if applicable. For this purpose, a code of conduct refers to an agreement or set of rules, not mandated by legal, regulatory, or administrative provisions, that defines the conduct expected of entrepreneurs who commit to adhering to the code in relation to one or more business practices or economic sectors.
p) The duration of the contract, if applicable, or, if the contract is open-ended or subject to automatic renewal, the conditions under which it can be terminated.
q) Where applicable, the minimum duration of the consumer's or user's obligations under the contract.
r) Where applicable, the existence and terms of any deposits or other financial guarantees that the consumer or user is required to pay or provide at the request of the seller.
s) Where applicable, the functionality of goods with digital components, digital content, or digital services, including any relevant technical protection measures.
t) Where applicable, any relevant compatibility and interoperability of the goods with digital components, digital content or digital services known to the seller or reasonably expected to be known to the seller.
u) Where applicable, the availability of an out-of-court dispute resolution mechanism to which the seller is subject, and the procedures for accessing it.

2. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to contracts for the supply of water, gas, and electricity (when not packaged for sale in a limited volume or quantity), district heating, and digital content not provided on a tangible medium.

3. In public auctions, the information specified in paragraphs 1(b), (c), and (d) may be substituted with the equivalent details of the auctioneer.

4. The information referred to in paragraphs 1(j), (k), and (l) may be provided using the consumer or user withdrawal information document set out in point A of Annex I. The seller will have fulfilled the information requirements outlined in paragraphs 1(j), (k), and (l) when this information is provided in the correctly completed document.

5. The information specified in paragraph 1 shall constitute an integral part of the distance or off-premises contract and shall not be amended unless the parties expressly agree otherwise. The seller will be responsible for demonstrating that their informational duties have been properly fulfilled and, where applicable, for proving any express agreement regarding the content of the information provided before the conclusion of the contract.

6. If the seller fails to meet the information requirements regarding additional charges or other costs specified in paragraph 1(e), or the costs of returning the goods outlined in paragraph 1(k), the consumer or user will not be obligated to pay such charges or costs.

7. The information requirements established in this section shall be considered supplementary to those outlined in Law 17/2009, of November 23, on Free Access to Service Activities, and in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a general or sector-specific regulation on the provision of services, including information society services and electronic commerce, relating to the content or manner in which information must be provided conflicts with any provision of this law, the provisions of this law shall prevail. This is without prejudice to the prevailing and preferential application of sector-specific regulations concerning aspects expressly provided for in the provisions of European Union law from which they derive.

8. The burden of proof regarding compliance with the information requirements set forth in this article shall rest with the seller.”


In compliance with the law, we provide additional information in the general and specific terms that govern our contractual relationship. Please review these terms carefully.


2. GENERAL Terms and Conditions for the sale of products through our website

2.1. Introduction

These contracting conditions have been drafted in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 and its amendments related to consumer and user legislation, as well as any other applicable regulations.

They govern the relationship between consumers (buyers through our website) and our company, both as the website owner and as the seller.

The contract governing our relationship with consumers is a DISTANCE SALES contract, regulated by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 on consumers and users. WWW.SIROKO.COM may, at any time and without prior notice, amend these General Terms and Conditions by publishing the changes on the Website. Users will be able to review these changes before visiting the Website or purchasing any goods offered on the Website. Thus complying with the duty of information required by law.

This contract shall be governed by Spanish law, specifically Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 and its subsequent amendments, as well as other applicable legislation concerning consumers and users, both at the national level and within the European Union. This includes all matters not explicitly covered in this contract with respect to interpretation, validity, and performance.

It also complies with the Legislation on Contracting Conditions and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC on Privacy and Electronic Communications implemented in Spain by means of Law 34/2002.

In the event that any issues are not expressly regulated, the Civil Code shall apply subsidiarily.

The language of both General as well as Specific Terms and Conditions of engagement is SPANISH - CASTILIAN. Should any contradiction or discrepancy arise between the translated version and the Spanish - Castilian version, the latter shall always prevail and be applicable for its resolution.

WWW.SIROKO.COM sells its products worldwide, which may result in variations in shipping costs, as well as the application of taxes or customs duties, depending on the destination country.

This site sells exclusively to CONSUMERS AND USERS who have the legal capacity to enter into contracts, meaning they must be of legal age. Each country may have varying age requirements for legal adulthood. Therefore, we advise you to confirm that you meet the applicable legal age criteria.


2.2. User

Accessing the website WWW.SIROKO.COM implies that you agree to become a user and, should you make a purchase, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of use and compliance with the applicable legal regulations. You can review information on data processing in the section titled LEGAL NOTICE AND PRIVACY POLICY and, with regard to cookies, in the COOKIES POLICY.

This responsibility involves:

  1. The legality and accuracy of the data provided in the forms requesting personal information for processing the transaction shall be the responsibility of the user who is the purchasing party. If the order is placed on behalf of another person, the user must have authorization to use that person's data and transfer their information to us for the purpose of delivering the purchased items. (Please review the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.)
  2. The proper use of the information and content provided on the WWW.SIROKO.COM website in accordance with applicable national and international regulations.
  3. The provision of data by the buyer will be governed by the current data protection regulations as outlined in the "Privacy Policy" within the legal notice of the website.
  4. Be of legal age and have the legal capacity to enter into a distance sales contract in accordance with Spanish Law.

In compliance with Law 4/2022 of February 25, we hereby inform you that if you identify as a VULNERABLE CONSUMER, please notify us without delay. We will provide further clarification, either in writing or by telephone, regarding any aspects of these conditions that may not be clear to you.

According to Article 3 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, vulnerable consumers in specific consumer relations are individuals who, due to their personal, economic, educational, or social characteristics, needs, or circumstances, find themselves in a position of subordination, defenselessness, or lack of protection that impairs their ability to exercise their consumer rights on an equal footing.

As a general rule of mandatory compliance concerning the security of our website, the user agrees to the following:

  • In the event of registration, the User agrees to provide accurate information and to keep it updated, as required by the principles established under the Data Protection Law. Should the order be placed for another person, you must be authorized to transfer that person's data (please refer to the section LEGAL NOTICE AND PRIVACY POLICY).
  • Not to enter, store or disseminate on or from the Website any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on any ground such as race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates the morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or the image and rights of third parties and the current regulations in general. Not to enter, store or disseminate through the Website any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic or physical device that may cause damage to the Website, any of the Services, or any of the equipment, systems or networks of WWW.SIROKO.COM, any User, its suppliers or in general any third party, or otherwise be capable of causing them any kind of alteration or impede their normal functioning.
  • Not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial operation through the Website, not to use the content and in particular the information obtained through the Website to send advertisements, messages for direct sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose or to collect or store personal data of third parties.
  • Not to use false identities or impersonate the identity of others in the use of the Website or in the use or acquisition of any of the Products, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way. Not to enter, store or disseminate through the Website any content that infringes intellectual property rights, industrial or business secrets of third parties, nor in general any content of which it does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make it available to third parties. Not to engage in hacking activities, including so-called "ethical hacking," even in educational, learning, or instructional contexts for parents or teachers of any educational institution. Do not copy or use any images that appear on the website, as they are the property of Siroko and are protected under intellectual and industrial property rights.


2.3. Product features

All the products we sell through the web, have a series of characteristics and common elements in terms of quality and materials to be used. For certain materials, and in accordance with applicable legislation on PRODUCT LABELING, we provide details on the MATERIALS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH PRODUCT, as well as recommendations on its use.

All products offered by SIROKO are designed for maximum durability.

Most of our textile products are manufactured with synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon or elastane. Our objective is to explore the advancements in more sustainable alternatives for these materials emerging in the market, with the aim of incorporating them into our product range in upcoming seasons.

For organic or animal-derived fibers, such as products containing merino wool (e.g., jerseys, base layers), we remain committed to sourcing materials and working with suppliers that adhere to the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS).

All of our sunglasses, including technical and sports eyewear, meet the necessary quality standards for sale and distribution.

EN ISO 12312-1:201+A1:2015
EN ISO 12311:2013
USA ANSI z80.3-2015

We utilize versatile and durable materials in the production process, while actively researching and exploring options for materials with a lower environmental impact. To date, we have utilized materials such as polycarbonate, acetate, and stainless steel for the construction of frames, and opted for TAC, polycarbonate, nylon, and CR39 in the production of lenses.

The materials we offer are displayed in photographs on our website, with every effort made to ensure they accurately reflect the actual product. In any case, the models wearing our clothing are hired by WWW.SIROKO.COM, and their images are for illustrative purposes only.

If you require more detailed product information than what is provided, please contact us using any of the communication methods available on our website.

There is a SIZE CHART available for our customers on the website. The chart is purely indicative and is intended to provide guidance to ensure a safe and trouble-free purchase.

Each product on our website comes with CARE AND WASHING information in order to ensure a maximum life cycle of the articles. All our products are designed and tested to guarantee a high level of durability.

To prevent eyewear damage, please remember to use your sunglasses correctly by storing them in their case and using it for transportation. It is advisable not to leave the glasses facing down, as this can potentially scratch the lenses. Clean them with a soft cloth and always use the case for transportation.

Certain garments are designed for sports that may involve inherent risks. Therefore, it is the customer's responsibility to determine whether our products are appropriate for the specific activities they plan to undertake. WWW.SIROKO.COM is not liable for any accidents or injuries resulting from the use of our products.

* In compliance with current regulations, we inform you that the labeling of the articles displayed on the website comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 928/1987 of June 5 concerning the labeling of the composition of textile products, and Regulation (EU) No 1007/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 September 2011 on textile fiber names and the labeling and marking of fiber composition of textile products and repealing Council Directive 73/44/EEC and Directives 96/73/EC and 2008/121/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and all this in relation to Article 18. Labeling and presentation of goods and services (R.D.L.1/2007).


3. SPECIFIC Terms and conditions for the sale of products through our website


The price of each product is indicated on the website. Before a buyer completes a PURCHASE, the final price will be calculated to include any applicable taxes, where required, as well as the shipping costs determined by the logistics provider for the delivery of the purchased product. The price shall be indicated in the currency of the buyer's country.

In accordance with Article 97(e) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, we inform you that for distance sales from certain countries, and depending on the physical volume of the purchase, we may not be able to calculate customs duties in the destination country in advance. Therefore, the final price may not include these duties. As soon as we have this information, we will promptly notify the buyer.

Offers and discounts

Discounts may be available on our website, and they shall be applied to the final price. We also offer discount vouchers, which may be provided on our website or through our social media channels. These vouchers are typically issued for advertising campaigns or special promotions and are valid for a specified period.

Discount vouchers, if the campaign is active, can be redeemed during the purchase process on the website. In all cases, the conditions for applying each campaign may vary. Once you have completed your purchase on the website, vouchers cannot be applied if they were not redeemed during the checkout process.

Multiple vouchers cannot be combined for the same product. Only the voucher providing the highest discount will be applied.

Discount vouchers cannot be used to purchase Siroko gift cards.

If there are products on sale, the offers listed on the website cannot be combined for a single purchase.


In accordance with current regulations, our company provides an invoice for each purchase made on the website WWW.SIROKO.COM. This invoice includes all legally required details, such as a comprehensive breakdown of the purchased products and any applicable discounts or promotional adjustments.

In the event of a return, we will issue a credit note to reflect the returned products and the corresponding amount received by our company.

Stock availability

As a general rule, approximately 90% of the products available in our online store are in stock. If a product is not available in our warehouse at the time of your order, we will promptly inform you via email.

Should there occur an occasional setback with respect to the availability of the chosen product, we will provide you with the alternative of canceling the product order, or choosing a different one.

If we have charged your bank card and the item is unavailable, we will reimburse you for the full amount paid for this item at no additional cost to you.

Payment methods


PSD2 (Revised Payment Services Directive) is the latest European directive regulating payment services and payment service providers across the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It was transposed into Spanish law by Royal Decree Law 19/2018. On WWW.SIROKO.COM, PSD2 affects transactions made with bank cards, Bizum, or PayPal.

PSD2 aims to improve online security and bolster protection against fraud in internet banking transactions.

One of the key security measures under PSD2 is the mandatory implementation of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for all e-commerce transactions starting January 1, 2021, unless an exemption specified in the regulation is applicable. This Strong Customer Authentication requires the use of two factors from the following categories: something the user knows (e.g., a password) and something the user possesses (e.g., a mobile phone). A single factor will no longer suffice; both factors will be required for authentication (double authentication or SCA).

For card payments, the secure transaction process will be determined by the issuing bank. It may involve receiving an SMS code along with a second factor, or validation through your bank's app. Please check with your bank to to ensure you are prepared before making your next purchase.

In the ANNEXES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS section, we offer guidance to help you avoid phishing scams during online transactions and prevent fraud in your purchases.


Our METHODS OF PAYMENT encompass various payment platforms, and we may activate any available payment options they provide.


This payment method can be used by buyers from different countries. If you use this method, please read its privacy policy and terms of use carefully. For your convenience, here is a link to their website (https://www.shopify.com/legal)


Through this payment method, you can access a range of payment options and select the payment methods available for each country. You can determine which payment method is most suitable for you by visiting the following link: https://www.adyen.com/es_ES/metodos-de-pago. This resource provides a comprehensive list of payment options available by country. Please read both the privacy policy and the terms of use of this payment method.


This payment method enables swift payments from any country across the globe. For more information, please visit: https://stripe.com/es/pricing/local-payment-methods. We recommend reviewing the data privacy policy and terms of use before proceeding with this payment method.

GPAY: (Google Pay)

This is a payment option that can be activated on the platforms previously mentioned.
You can see the policy and other details of this payment system at: https://pay.google.com/intl/en_us/about/


You can see the privacy policy and the terms of use here: https://www.paypal.com/es/webapps/mpp/buyer-protection


You can see the policy and terms of service of this payment system at: https://shop.app/terms-of-service


For more information on this payment method and its specific terms of service, please see point 3.3 of this text.


You can see the terms of use for the SIROKO CARD in point 3.2 of this document, which explains how it works, the application process, and the methods of payment available to the recipients.

At what point does the payment for the selected product become final and irreversible?

The contract for distance selling is finalized at the moment you provide your data and click the “PAY”/”BUY” button, which appears on the website in various forms. This action completes the purchase, and once confirmed, it cannot be reversed or undone through the website. Before finalizing the purchase, you will be required to confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of sale outlined in this text.

Reservation of title on orders in the event of non-payment.

The proposed payment methods are designed to ensure fairness in the distance sale transaction, covering both the delivery of the product to the buyer and the receipt of payment by the seller.

However, if the buyer suggests an alternative payment method that is accepted by the seller, and this involves the delivery of the product before full payment is received, the seller reserves ownership of the goods until the full payment is completed by the buyer.

Shipping policy

SIROKO ships to nearly every country worldwide. If your country is not listed, please contact us so we can inform you whether we are able to facilitate the sale to your location.

Shipping costs will always vary based on the geographical delivery area, the type of transportation used, and the size and weight of your purchase.

Before completing the payment process, you will be able to see the final shipping cost. Depending on your location, you can also choose from several shipping methods according to your preferences.

Finally, we offer free shipping to certain countries when a minimum order value is met. During the purchase process, you will see the specific thresholds: from €60 in Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands) and Portugal, and from €90 to €125 in other selected countries.

We do not ship to P.O. Boxes or Military Bases.

For Canada, Colombia, Mexico and the United Kingdom, Customs Duties are included upon choosing the DHL Express shipping method.

The delivery time of your order depends on the shipping company you select. During the checkout process, you will be able to see the estimated delivery time for each carrier once the package leaves our facilities.

Please note that the delivery times refer to business days (Monday to Friday) and may vary depending on stock availability or setbacks during the shipping process. Additionally, please consider bank holidays both at the origin and destination, as they may affect delivery times.

We work with globally renowned shipping companies such as DHL Express, DPD, Hermes, Correos Express as well as most of the major postal services worldwide.

We cannot guarantee delivery in cases of force majeure, transportation strikes, collective labor actions that impede delivery, or other circumstances deemed as force majeure.

During peak periods such as Christmas, Epiphany, long weekends, or special promotions (e.g., Black Friday, Light Friday), our logistics partners may not guarantee timely delivery due to the high volume of merchandise they are handling.

We reserve the right to change delivery times and shipping methods without prior notice in the case of large orders or special circumstances.

For tracking your shipment, please register using the provided form, which will allow you to automatically view the status of your delivery. (See Legal Notice and Privacy Policy)

Return policy

Right of withdrawal

In accordance with art. 102 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007 you have the right to cancel your purchase, without stating any reason, within 14 days of receipt of your order. To exercise your right, please send an email to [email protected].

Simply notify us by e-mail or by postal mail sent to the addresses set forth in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of WWW.SIROKO.COM. For this purpose, we have included a sample form in ANNEX I of these terms and conditions.

All the information regarding the right of withdrawal is available at this link: right of withdrawal.

Exceptions to the right of withdrawal in relation to some products we sell on the website WWW.SIROKO.COM:

Pursuant to art. 103 of RDL 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, the exceptions to your right of withdrawal are listed:

Letter (c) of art. 103 of RDL 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, shall apply as an exception to the right of withdrawal, in the following situation: (c) the supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications or clearly personalised

It will also be an exception for products purchased on WWW.SIROKO.COM, and in accordance with letter (e) of Art. 103 of RDL 1/2007 of November 16: (e) the supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery.

Changes and returns of non-conforming goods

The cases of product non-conformance are governed by Royal Decree Law 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, and the deadlines specified by this legislation will be applied by WWW.SIROKO.COM.

Product packaging damaged on delivery

If the transport packaging shows any visible defects that may be due to transportation issues, please inform the delivery person immediately. Additionally, ensure that you leave a record in the system and obtain a signature from the delivery person. This way, if the product is damaged, we can hold the logistics company accountable.

Subsequently, please take photographs of the packaging without opening it and send them to us. We will then forward these to the logistics company. This will allow us to provide appropriate evidence in case the product has a defect that can be attributed to inadequate transport. Please send all photographs to us as soon as possible at [email protected].

After reviewing the information you provide, we will guide you on how to return the product and arrange for a replacement or provide solutions as outlined by the legislation. This may include financial compensation, price reductions, or a refund through the original payment method or another method of your choice. Please retain all original packaging along with its complete contents, including accessories, warranties, and manuals. SIROKO reserves the right to refuse the return of the product if these items are not included.


Damage reported after unpacking (possible transport-related issues)

As previously mentioned, if you find that a product is defective or damaged upon opening the packaging, or if it appears to be in an unsatisfactory condition, please send us all relevant photographs as soon as possible to [email protected]. After reviewing the information you provide, we will guide you on how to return the product and arrange for a replacement or provide solutions as outlined by the legislation. This may include financial compensation, price reductions, or a refund through the original payment method or another method of your choice. Please retain all original packaging along with its complete contents, including accessories, warranties, and manuals. SIROKO reserves the right to refuse the return of the product if these items are not included.

Returns due to manufacturing defects

The customer has a maximum period of thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of the product to notify SIROKO of any return due to a manufacturing defect or non-conformance, without incurring any costs. To request an exchange or refund due to non-conformance of the purchased product, please contact us with your order number, the reason for the exchange, and details of the product. You can do so by filling out the contact form or by sending an email to: [email protected] 

Additionally, if the reason for the return is a defect in the purchased product, please provide photographs of the product and explicitly include images of the detected damage.

Upon receiving your request, SIROKO will notify you within 3 days whether the return is accepted. If accepted, SIROKO will arrange for the product to be picked up.

To ensure the proper pickup of the product, it must include all original labels, packaging, documentation, and accessories, with the order number reference clearly visible on the outside of the package. Otherwise, SIROKO reserves the right to refuse the return.

Once the product is received and the defects are confirmed, SIROKO will either replace it with another product of identical characteristics, offer a price reduction, or provide any other remedy available to you as a consumer under Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007.
We will not process refunds for products that:

  • were purchased from sources other than WWW.SIROKO.COM.
  • have been damaged due to negligent use or in a manner that could be deemed inappropriate or malicious (e.g., washing with chemicals prohibited by the care instructions or other caustic substances).
  • have been damaged due to improper use, such as using the garment for a sport for which it was not designed or using the Siroko product in an inappropriate manner; the intended purpose and appropriate use of the garments are specified on the products.
  • damage resulting from normal wear and tear or from exceeding the product's useful life.

Returns for size exchange

The Customer has a maximum period of thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of the Product to notify their intention to return the product due to non-conformance. They may choose to request a full refund or an exchange for a different size.

To use this return system for size exchange, the product must be in the same condition in which it was received, with the original labeling.  The Customer must return the Product in the same box or envelope, or in a similar type of packaging. If the Product is not returned in its original packaging, it may be subject to depreciation, as it would not be considered a complete return.

They must include all original labels, packaging, documentation, and accessories, with the order number reference clearly visible on the outside of the package. Otherwise, SIROKO reserves the right to refuse the return.

To request a refund or size exchange, please click here: https://WWW.SIROKO.COM/es/devoluciones-y-cambios-de-talla.

The refund of the amounts paid will be processed as soon as possible. However, SIROKO may withhold the refund until the product is received or the refund is confirmed.

Once the return is confirmed as valid and the customer requests a refund, the amount will be reimbursed within a maximum of 30 days, using the original payment method or another method chosen by the customer, as stipulated in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16.

3.1 SIROKO CUSTOM -  Specific terms and conditions applicable to this service.

WWW.SIROKO.COM offers a customization service through SIROKO CUSTOM. This service allows for the creation of personalized clothing for groups such as teams, clubs, associations, or groups of friends.

To facilitate this, we provide a form where you can submit your ideas and request a quotation for your customized clothing. (The handling of this data is governed by the provisions outlined in the LEGAL NOTICE AND PRIVACY POLICY).

Preliminary Information Regarding Quotation (Art. 97 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16).

Before accepting our quotation, which will be provided in the format you select in the previously filled out form, and in accordance with current legislation, please review the specific conditions detailed below regarding this personalized service:

Products available for personalized SIROKO custom design

Currently, our most iconic lines are customizable: M2 Originals Jersey (short and long sleeve) and M3 Ultralightweight Jersey. If you're interested in customizing other garments from our lines, feel free to mention it in the form, and we will assess the feasibility of your request.

Minimum order quantity for customized items

The minimum order quantity is 6 units per product reference. You can combine sizes within the same product reference to reach the MOQ, for example: 3 x M2 short sleeve jersey in size S, 2 x size M, and 1 x size L.

For future orders using the same design, whether it's one provided bye the customer or created with the assistance of our design team, you may place new orders with a minimum requirement of 6 units.

Product delivery time

Customized products are subject to longer delivery times. The delivery time typically falls between 90 and 120 days. In any case, each customer will be informed of the estimated delivery time before confirming the order.

Custom Product Design

The design for the garment selected by the customer on our website can be submitted during the quotation confirmation process. However, please note the following:

  • In accordance with current legislation, if we identify designs that do not comply with legal requirements, we reserve the right to remove any inappropriate language or use of brand names that may belong to individuals or entities. We will inform the customer if the design in question cannot be reproduced on the selected garment.
  • Siroko shall not be liable for any claims arising from the design provided by the customer if it infringes on intellectual property rights or is registered as a design or trademark with any public body. The responsibility for ensuring that the design does not violate such rights rests with the customer, and any claims related to the improper use of the design will be the customer’s responsibility.
  • Siroko shall not be liable if the design provided by the customer violates any laws or legal regulations, specifically those outlined in Articles 13 (e), (f), and (g) from Law 20/2003, of July 7, 2003, on the Legal Protection of Industrial Design.

Customers can also request assistance from our design team to help develop or refine the design idea. In this case, the customer remains responsible for the design and authorizes us to work on developing the idea they provided. If our team is involved in the design process, we will send you the final design created by our staff for your approval before confirming the order of the customized product. This step is necessary for your acceptance of the design.

Steps for Working with Our Design Team

Initial design
Siroko will send you an initial design proposal. Take this opportunity to share the design with your group to gather any feedback or changes they may want to make.

Design review
You can make as many revisions as needed; however, starting from the third one, a fee of €30 per revision will be charged.
The first two, in addition to the initial design, are included in the price of your order regardless of its size.
Take advantage of each revision to include as many changes as you can.

Final design
Once all revisions have been completed, the final design will be considered approved.
By approving the design, you confirm the acceptance of the overall design of the garment(s) you have ordered.

Choice of garment size

To facilitate this, WWW.SIROKO.COM provides a "Size Guide" that you should review before placing your customized order. Please see this guide to determine the correct sizes for your order. This will help prevent potential errors and misunderstandings.

Right of withdrawal for customized products

In accordance with Article 103(c) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, customizing the purchased product constitutes an exception to your Right of Withdrawal as a Consumer.

(c) “The supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications or clearly personalised”

Thus, in this case, the RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL does not apply.

Confirmation and Payment for Customized Orders

Before placing the order and making payment, you will be required to provide your consent to begin preparing your order. This will occur after you accept the quotation, the custom design, the items to be customized, and the specific conditions outlined for SIROKO CUSTOM orders.

The form of payment will be the one you choose among those proposed in the conditions of WWW.SIROKO.COM in point 3 of these terms and conditions.

3.2. SIROKO GIFT CARD - Specific conditions.

What is the Siroko Gift Card?

The gift card is a bearer instrument, and responsibility for its use rests solely with its holder or the individual in possession of it. 
The gift card has no expiration date. The initial value of the gift card is set by its initial charge in euros. This amount will be deducted with each subsequent use until the balance is depleted.

Purchase and Shipping:

  • The buyer must provide the recipient's email address at the time of purchase and ensure that it is correct. The recipient's details are those provided by the buyer, who is responsible for authorizing the transfer of this data. Siroko shall not be responsible for the transfer of such data.
  • The gift card will be automatically sent to the e-mail address provided by the buyer within minutes or hours after purchase.
  • The buyer has no control over the exact time the email will be sent to the recipient.
  • If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to deliver any Gift Cards, we may terminate the contract for those Gift Cards. In such a case, we will refund the amount you have paid for the product, either by the payment method used for the purchase or by any alternative payment method of your choice.
  • If you request us to send electronic Siroko Gift Cards via email to the intended recipient, our responsibility will only extend to delivering the Gift Card to the email address you provided.

Receiving and Redeeming:

  • The recipient will receive an email containing the virtual gift card and detailed instructions on how to redeem it. The recipient may redeem the gift card at their convenience at any time after having received it. The gift card is valid for the total or partial purchase of any product available in Siroko online store.
  • If the gift card amount is insufficient to purchase a specific product, an additional payment method must be provided to cover the difference.

Expiration date:

  • The gift card has no expiration date, which means that the recipient can use it at any desired time at their convenience.

Returns, refunds and limitations:

  • Once purchased, the gift card is non-refundable, except in cases where the right of withdrawal is applicable.
  • In case of return of products purchased using the gift card, the corresponding value will be refunded as credit to the recipient's Siroko Wallet and available for future purchases.
  • The gift card cannot be used to purchase other gift cards.

Consumer’s right to cancel the purchase (withdrawal)

  • The right of withdrawal can be exercised without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of purchase, provided that the gift card has not yet been used, fully or partially, by the recipient. If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal and hence cancel your purchase, please contact our customer service.
  • The gift card amount shall be fully refunded to the original payment method within 14 days of receipt of your withdrawal notice.


  • The ownership and security features of the gift card are transferred to the recipient once the notification e-mail is sent. The recipient is responsible for protecting their user account to prevent unauthorized use of the gift card. We shall not be held responsible if the gift card is used without the recipient's permission.
  • We are under no obligation to replace the gift card in case of loss or theft. Gift cards can be revoked upon request if they are lost or stolen to ensure that the unauthorized cardholder can no longer use them. 
  • No Siroko Gift Card functions as a check, credit, debit, or charge card, and none can be exchanged for cash or used to purchase another Gift Card.

Our rights to cancel and revoke:

  • If the above terms and conditions are violated or we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the gift card was purchased or used fraudulently, we reserve the right to revoke the gift card or refuse a transaction in which the gift card is used.
  • If we decide to cancel a transaction or revoke the gift card, as described above, our decision will be communicated by e-mail.
  • For reasons related to identifying suspicious transactions under Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) legislation, or due to non-compliance with regulations concerning fraud in online purchases.


3.3. SIROKO WALLET - Specific terms and conditions applicable to this payment method

The following terms and conditions specific to this payment method apply to the use of the electronic wallet on the WWW.SIROKO.COM website, referred to as "Siroko Wallet."

Regarding data processing for this payment method, there are no changes from the customer data processing outlined in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. The Terms and Conditions of sale published on the website also apply and remain unchanged.
A detailed explanation of this payment method is provided for transparency, as it is uncommon in distance sales and differs from other methods.

By using our e-wallet, you agree to these terms and conditions of use in their entirety. If you have any questions about it, please let us know.

What is the Siroko e-wallet?

The electronic wallet is a service (Payment method) that allows you to make remote purchases on WWW.SIROKO.COM in a convenient way for both the seller and the buyer. It is not a banking product, and it incurs no cost for the client to use, nor does it generate any interest on the funds held within the wallet.

To use it, you must be registered at WWW.SIROKO.COM. If you aren't a registered user yet, you can sign up by clicking here. It takes less than 1 minute.

The e-wallet balance can only be used to make purchases or gifts to other users within WWW.SIROKO.COM. The e-wallet balance cannot be withdrawn as cash or transferred to individuals outside of WWW.SIROKO.COM.

Before completing your purchase on WWW.SIROKO.COM and selecting the wallet as your payment method, ensure that you have sufficient credit in your e-wallet. However, if the balance is insufficient, you will need to add funds to your wallet or use an alternative payment method offered by our Bank in the "Payment Methods" section.

The balance in your wallet will be denominated in the currency typically used for your payments. It is not considered a bank deposit or any other financial product, and therefore, it does not earn interest and is not protected by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

However, the funds in the various wallets will be deposited in one or more accounts held by WWW.SIROKO.COM at a credit institution located in an EU member state. These accounts will be independent and separate from other operational accounts, and will be protected by the legal safeguards assigned to such accounts under current regulations. In some cases, WWW.SIROKO.COM may offer bonuses for future purchases when using your wallet, or may refund amounts to the wallet where the funds were originally deposited. This enables us to offer loyalty bonuses, rewards, and other promotions to our customers.

Refunds, top-ups, rewards, and gifts:

The e-wallet:

  1. Enables you to receive funds equivalent to the amount of your total or partial product returns on WWW.SIROKO.COM. If you choose to return a product for reasons specified in the General Conditions of Sale (such as withdrawal or non-conformance), you may opt to have the refund credited to your wallet for use in future purchases. This does not negate the legal requirement that refunds for purchases must be processed using the same payment method originally used for the transaction.
  2. Allows you to transfer part or all of your e-wallet balance to other registered users on WWW.SIROKO.COM. The recipient of the gift will get a notification, and the balance will be automatically credited to their e-wallet. This feature enables users to share the convenience and advantages of the e-wallet with others. (WWW.SIROKO.COM is not responsible for any discrepancies between users regarding e-wallet gifts, nor for situations that may be classified as donations under certain jurisdictions, which could be subject to legal requirements and taxation.)
  3. Allows you to send funds from your wallet to other people via QR codes or use these codes to pay at physical Siroko stores. You can also earn rewards and bonuses or apply any active promotions during the purchase.
  4. Provides access to gift cards for products available on the website, or in Siroko physical stores.
  5. Provides a payment option that eliminates the need for conventional payment methods, which may pose issues during the purchase process.
  6. You can also top up your e-wallet using various payment methods available on WWW.SIROKO.COM, with each top-up being recorded in your transaction summary.

If you opt to receive your refund as e-wallet credit, Siroko reserves the right to offer you bonuses with an additional percentage of your purchase, based on the specific terms of the promotion. These bonuses are promotional. Siroko reserves the right to offer top-up bonuses, purchase bonuses, and gifts as top-ups to the e-wallet, depending on current promotions.

Using the E-Wallet for Purchases

During the purchase process, if the product's total cost is less than or equal to the balance in your wallet, it will be available as a valid payment option.

If the wallet balance is insufficient to cover the full value of the product, you can choose to make a combined payment using both your wallet and another payment method (such as card or PayPal). Alternatively, you can top up your wallet balance using another payment method to cover the full cost of the products with your wallet.

Returns to the E-Wallet:

The total or partial refund of an order paid with the e-wallet will be credited back to the e-wallet.

The total refund of an order placed with combined payment will be processed as follows:

  • The portion corresponding to the e-wallet will be refunded to the e-wallet.
  • The portion corresponding to the other payment method will be reimbursed to that payment method in the shortest possible time.

If the user prefers, the total refund of an order placed with combined payment can be reimbursed to the e-wallet.

The partial refund of an order made with combined payment will be credited to the e-wallet if the refunded amount is equal to or less than the amount initially paid with the wallet. If the refunded amount exceeds the portion paid with the e-wallet, the user can choose between receiving the refund solely in the e-wallet or a mixed refund, which includes both the wallet and another payment method.

In the case of returns of non-conforming goods or exercising the right of withdrawal, if the buyer opts for a refund through the Siroko Wallet, WWW.SIROKO.COM will credit the wallet with an additional 10% of the refunded amount.

Expiration Date

The balance in your e-wallet from product returns does not expire, as it belongs to you. It will remain available indefinitely for future purchases or can be withdrawn upon request.

The balance from purchase bonuses, return bonuses, and gift cards will have an expiration date, which will be specified in the promotion details on the WWW.SIROKO.COM website.

E-Wallet Security

The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and e-wallet information.

Siroko is not responsible for any loss or theft of the e-wallet balance resulting from user negligence.

Siroko also reserves the right to cancel or void e-wallet balances without prior notice if any fraudulent or illegal activity is suspected. If suspicious transactions are detected using the WWW.SIROKO.COM wallet, we are required to notify the relevant authorities.

To ensure the security of your account and use of the Service, and to prevent any potential criminal situations, we recommend taking the following actions:

a. Keep your login credentials (like your password or PIN) in a secure place.
b. Refrain from authorizing any third party to utilize your login credentials.
c. Do not disclose the details of your login credentials except when necessary for the use of the Service.
d. Do not write down or store your password, PIN, or other login credentials in a manner that could be easily comprehended by unauthorized individuals.
e. Avoid selecting passwords, PINs, or other login credentials that may be easy to guess (e.g., a sequence of numbers or letters).
f. Make sure no one can see your password or PIN when you’re using them.
g. Ensure that you log out of all payment applications on your device when they are not in use for accessing the Service or when the device is accessible to unauthorized individuals.
h. Refrain from using any features on your access device that save or store your password or PIN.
i. Keep your personal account information up to date. If your information is outdated, we may not be able to respond to your inquiries or requests.
j. Take all reasonable measures to protect the security of your personal electronic devices.

Deactivating Your Siroko E-Wallet

a) At customer's request

You can request to deactivate your wallet by deleting your user account on our website. We will promptly reimburse all the funds accumulated in your wallet. We will use the method you request, provided it is supported by www.siroko.com, such as a bank account or credit card (if the wallet was topped up using that credit card), among other options.

Before processing your refund, and to ensure the security of the service, we must perform the necessary checks to comply with regulations on Anti-Money Laundering and/or online payment fraud.

We will also confirm that there are no outstanding amounts owed by you. If there are any, we will deduct them from the total amount to be refunded.

If the amount owed exceeds your wallet balance, the balance will be used to offset the owed amount, resulting in the automatic cancellation of these terms and conditions. This does not affect our right to seek the remaining balance from you.

b) At WWW.SIROKO.COM request

We reserve the right to deactivate a wallet and notify the account holder immediately if, for example, the account holder has violated the Terms of Use, tax laws, or is suspected of engaging in money laundering activities under applicable regulations. If we must make such a decision, we will notify you via email.

If our Legal Compliance team identifies transactions that they determine to be suspicious according to Law 10/2010 of April 28th on the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing or Regulation (EU) 2024/1624 of 31 May 2024 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, we will report it to the Spanish Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offense (SEPBLAC). The funds in the e-wallet will be blocked and held at the disposal of this service for as long as deemed necessary. The client will always be informed of this action with a copy of the communication file provided in a detailed manner.

Modifications to the Terms and Conditions specific to the Siroko Wallet service:

We reserve the right to modify the specific terms and conditions related to the Siroko Wallet at any time. Users will be informed of any changes through our communication channels, enabling them to review and understand the modifications before using this method.

If you have any questions about the e-wallet, please reach out to us via our customer support form.

4. Legal Warranty of the products.

All goods sold on our website are covered by the warranty required by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16 and its subsequent amendments, which regulate the minimum warranty for goods sold to consumers, as well as any modifications thereto.

WWW.SIROKO.COM provides its customers with a legal warranty of 2 years against manufacturing defects (3 years for products purchased from January 1, 2022). This is required by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007.

Please make sure to carefully review the documentation included with the product to ensure it is used correctly. Defects or issues resulting from incorrect use, handling, or wear and tear due to improper use of the purchased product may void the warranty. To handle this, a specialized entity conducts evaluations and inspections of the products for which a warranty claim is made, offering expert opinions to ensure the warranty is applied accurately.

If you discover any defects in the products upon receipt, please inform us promptly so that we can address the issue and respond to your warranty claim as quickly as possible.

5. Taxes applicable to sales made through this website


On July 1, 2021, Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, of April 27, 2021 came into force. It regulates the VAT treatment of electronic commerce and establishes the rules for taxation of the deliveries of goods and services to community end consumers, from another Member State or a third country or territory.


Within Spanish territory, there are two scenarios where taxes other than VAT are applied. (Canary Islands and Ceuta / Mellilla). In case of port charges and/or special taxes such as Canary Island General Indirect Tax (IGIC), you will be previously informed of the application of this tax for clients residing in the Canary Islands. Further information on IGIC tax can be found at: www.gobiernodecanarias.org/tributos/
In the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, the Tax on Production, Services and Imports of the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla (IPSI) applies.


In case of sales in non-EU countries, VAT will not be applied to the invoice.


Customs duties required for the shipment to deliver your order to your address will be the responsibility of the customer. These duties will be included in the final price prior to finalizing the purchase. In certain instances, as previously noted, the exact cost of these fees may be unknown in advance, and therefore, cannot be included.

6. European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform

In compliance with Article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 our website customers are informed that the European Union provides them with a European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform for online disputes that may arise between the two parties.

The link to use said platform is http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ (operational since February 15, 2016).

Consumers may submit their questions using the link above.

7. Applicable jurisdiction

In the event of any dispute or discrepancy arising from these terms and conditions, or any other matter involving our company, jurisdiction shall lie with the Courts and Tribunals of the Principality of Asturias, the company's registered domicile.

However, as a consumer, you must submit to the jurisdiction legally applicable to you, which is typically the courts of your place of residence.

8. Applicable legislation

WWW.SIROKO.COM is governed by applicable European legislation, as well as Spanish legislation due to its registered domicile and business activities.

9. Severability of Provisions

Each provision included in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF WWW.SIROKO.COM shall be interpreted in conjunction with the others as part of a unified whole. Furthermore, if any provision is deemed illegal or invalid, it will be promptly removed without affecting the legal validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

10. Registered Address for Service of the Website Owner

As indicated in our LEGAL NOTICE, our registered address for service is as follows:
Our company is located in:
Plaza 6 de agosto N.º 6 - 2º 33206 - Gijón - Asturias - Spain
[email protected]


10.1 The Contract may be terminated by express and written agreement of both parties. Regulations Regarding Consumer Access to Complaint Forms

All entities, whether individuals or legal persons, engaged in the sale of goods or services, are required to make complaint forms available to consumers. Given that our headquarters are situated in Asturias, we have included a link to the complaint form model provided by the Government of the Principality of Asturias (www.asturias.es).



If you wish to file a claim, complaint, or consumer grievance with another entity relevant to your domicile, you should contact the appropriate authority in your jurisdiction for guidance on the procedure.


10.2. Standard form to be used in the notification of your right of withdrawal. (Model extracted from Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007)

You also have the option to complete and submit the model withdrawal form, or any other unequivocal statement, in electronic format by sending it to [email protected]. Should you choose this option, we will promptly acknowledge receipt of the withdrawal in a durable medium (e.g., via email).

E-mail: [email protected]

I/we hereby inform you that:

1.- I/We am/are withdrawing from my/our distance sales contract through WWW.SIROKO.COM

- Ordered on ________ and received on __________ :

- Name(s) of the consumer(s) and user(s):

- Address of the consumer(s) and user(s):

- Signature of the  consumer(s) and user(s) (only if this form is submitted on paper):

- Date:

Order reference no.:

10.3. Information for customers regarding safe online shopping. Fraud prevention in online purchases

WWW.SIROKO.COM has grown thanks to the trust placed in us by our customers. Until recently, we conducted sales exclusively through our website. This section aims to enhance the security of online transactions, ensuring that clients and users can conduct purchases on our website with peace of mind. Here is information that you might find useful:

Cyber-attacks seek to steal data from computer systems. Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by disguising as a trustworthy entity through emails, messages, or websites.

We recommend following these tips to safeguard your payment methods, particularly when making purchases on online stores.

  • Protect your identity and ensure your security by keeping your passwords and personal data private.
  • To enhance your online security, ensure your passwords are varied and complex; simplifying or standardizing them can make them more susceptible to attacks.
  • For secure downloads, always use official sites; in our case, the official site is WWW.SIROKO.COM.

Tips on detecting PHISHING provided by WWW.SIROKO.COM to help reduce risk:


  • You may receive an email that mimics our logos and colors, resembling our official communications. It is important to verify that the email comes directly from us before taking any action.
  • If the email content creates a sense of urgency or is written in poor grammar and spelling, it is prudent to be skeptical of its legitimacy. Always verify the message's authenticity before responding or taking any action, as such signs often indicate potential phishing attempts.
  • We always send emails from the domain siroko.com. Therefore, please ensure that any email you receive is from this domain before taking any action. Never click on a link in an email without verifying its authenticity, and if you do, avoid entering any personal information.
  • If you receive a request for personal data via email, please inform us immediately and do not enter your information into any link, especially if it requests details for the "Siroko Gift Card," "Siroko Wallet," or any information related to bank account access.


  • WWW.SIROKO.COM does not make commercial calls to customers. Therefore, if you receive a call requesting your data and claiming to be from Siroko staff, do not provide any personal information.
  • Do not provide confidential information such as usernames, passwords, or digital transaction confirmation codes under any circumstances.
  • Be wary of calls from automated systems that deliver recorded emergency or error messages related to your account or data.
  • If you are uncertain about the origin of a call, do not provide any personal information. Instead, contact us through the official channels provided.
  • Do not download or install applications or programs from links provided through instant messaging or given to you over the phone. This could be a method for gaining unauthorized access to your system, allowing attackers to impersonate you and carry out transactions on your behalf.
  • Never respond to a call by simply saying "YES," as the call may be recorded. Attackers could use this recording to impersonate your voice and potentially use the word "YES" to falsely imply your consent for a product or service.

Conditions updated by the WWW.SIROKO.COM Compliance Team in July 2024. Effective as of the date of publication.